Meeting Recap
Gordon R. McInally - Rotary International President
Today we had the distinct privilege of hearing from Gordon R. McInally - Rotary International President 2023-24 via Zoom!
Educated at the Royal High School in Edinburgh and the University of Dundee, where he earned a graduate degree in dental surgery, and operated his own dental practice in Edinburgh until 2016. He has also served in many important positions: chair of the East of Scotland branch of the British Pedodontics’ Society, as a presbytery elder, chair of the parish congregational board, and commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
He first joined Rotary in 1984 at the age of 26 and is a member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry. Mr. McInally previously served as president and vice president of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI). He is a patron of the nonprofits Hope and Homes for Children and Trade-Aid, and an ambassador for Bipolar UK. He enjoys rugby, good food and wine, and the traditional Scottish craft of stick dressing (making walking sticks).
He and his spouse Heather are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation, and members of the Bequest Society.
Today he shared a message of hope and peace for the world at a time when we see so much wrong. We as individuals have the power of life and death if we step forward to make a difference for others- be it curing polio, providing education, the gift of sight, or helping to create peace in nations. That is the magic of Rotary and a message of hope for the future.
His presidency is dedicated to making the world better for his granddaughters and all children to live and thrive.