Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Info
The Rotary Club of Daniel Island meets on Wednesday at 7:30 AM, with breakfast beginning at 7:15. Our meeting ends promptly at 8:30.
In person meetings are held at the Daniel Island Club (generally 1st and 3rd Wednesdays) or at Blackbaud (generally 2nd and 5th Wednesday), but please check the calendar above to confirm. All in-person meetings are generally also carried on Zoom in real time You can also join us at one of our Fellowship events, generally on the 4th week of the month.
We'd love to have you join us. Guests, please email Mary Jo Romeo; maryjo.rotary@gmail.com if you'd like to join one of our meetings.
Our 2024-2025 President is Chip Law
Meeting Recap
Father of the Duck Race
Today we took a trip down memory lane with Bart Jackson, also known as the Father of the Charleston Duck Race. Bart gave us a humorous and informative narration of the Duck Race from its origins in 2007 with the goal of replacing a Rotary charity golf tournament that was not producing a great return. Bart and the team that year started from scratch, sourcing rubber ducks from China, logistics for the “Duck Dumper” on the Wando Bridge, permits and approvals from the City of Charleston, and most importantly, getting Rotarians to solicit duck adoptions for $10 each!
Over 95% of duck were adopted that first year and the Race was off to a great start, even if it did rain that first year! Since this great start, the Charleston Duck Race has now raised over $2.2M for local charities, scholarships, and Rotary initiatives around the world!
THANK YOU to Bart and Rotarians in 2007!
AND THANK YOU to everyone who has adopted ducks and supported our Race over the years!
Meeting Recap
Let's Hear it For the Introverts - Erin Kienzle
Today we heard from Erin Kienzle I ABC News 4, a 20-year on-broadcast veteran and host of Lowcountry Live on WCIV, ABC News 4. Her topic today was life as an introvert when the whole world prefers to put the spotlight on extraverts. This is something Erin discovered about herself and she then put together her thoughts and experiences into a TED Talk to help other introverts learn from her story. This includes making time to be alone, even if it’s in a bathroom, avoiding small talk, creating your own self-motivation, and learning to say “no” when prudent.
When not on air, you’ll find her hosting the Charleston Women podcast and on Instagram helping entrepreneurs increase their followers, make more sales, and grow their visibility through the power of video. Erin is also benefit auctioneer and helps non-profits raise millions at their galas and events.
THANK YOU, Erin, for a fantastic talk enjoyed by all and especially benefiting the 50% of the audience who share your personality type!
Meeting Archives
Rotary Club of Daniel Island
295 Seven Farms Drive, Suite C
P.M.B. 149
Charleston, South Carolina 29492